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Long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
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Helezn.matkp.uc.HSCo DIN340 rn tip oxıd seti,25prç dahil:
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
The long, precise high-performance drill bit for deep drilling in stainless steel (e.g. V2A, V4A), heat-resistant steels and titanium. Also for general, broad applications in steel up to 1,200 N/mm² and in cast iron.
Paket birimi, bir paket içerisinde bulunan ürünlerin sayısını belirtir. Katalog bölümünde, bir seçim menüsü görüntülendiğinde çeşitli paket birimleri arasında seçim yapılabilir.
Ürün sepetinde veya Easy-/VarioScan'de tespit esnasında doğrudan ürün numarası girişinde paket birimi tanınmazsa, alanı boş bırakınız. Bu durumda otomatik olarak bir paket birimi belirlenir.
Würth ürün numarası şunlardan oluşmaktadır: VVVVAAABBB VVVV = İlk numara için 4 hane (Dikkat, ilk hane şu anda daima bir 0'dır) AAA = 1. ölçüm bölümü için 3 hane BBB = 2. ölçüm bölümü için 3 hane
Ürün numarası yapısı için örnekler: Örnek 1: 4x10 mm ölçüsünde cıvata: VVVVAAABBB 00574 10 (4 ve 10 arasında 2 boşluk)
Örnek 2: 10x20 mm ölçüsünde cıvata: VVVVAAABBB 005710 20 (10 ve 20 arasında 1 boşluk)
Örnek 3: 6 mm iç çapı olan bir pul: VVVVAAABBB 04076
Paket birimi (VE) başına fiyat: Gösterilen fiyat her zaman gösterilen pakete 250'lik paket biriminde yani 250 adet fiyatında, 300'lük paket biriminde yani 300 adet fiyatında eşdeğerdir.
Fiyat anahtarı gösterimli (PSL) fiyat: Fiyat her zaman fiyat anahtarı üzerinden düzenlenen bir miktar için geçerlidir: 1 adet için fiyat 100 adet için fiyat 1000 adet için fiyat
Miktar, sipariş veya teslimattaki birim sayısını ve ilgili öğenin miktar birimini gösterir.
Satış ambalajının ve dış ambalajın aksine, kimyasal bazlı ürünlerin imha maliyetleri ayrı olarak görüntülenir. Ayrı maliyetlerin dökümü, ilgili ürün bilgilerinde ve ayrıca alışveriş sepetinde ve Satış Koşullarımızda bulunabilir.
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